In ancient times in the area of west java, the kingdom of pakuan pajajaran was led by a king named raja prabu siliwangi. Raja prabu siliwangi has many children and concubines. But princes Randitalah which he will make as the sucessor to the royal throne.Hearing this,his children who were concubunes did not receive so told the witch to curse princes Kandita and the empress by giving leprosy. The old empress could bot accept the disease and diod.
His children and concubines incited king prabu siliwangi to expel princess kandita,the king agreed because he was afraid of his people being infected by the disease. Putri kandita who heard this was very disappointed and ran away from the palace until she reached the south coast of java island.
He fell asleep on a rock and heard a magical voice "throw yourself into the sea of princess kandita, if you want to recover from your illness and you body returns to normal." The princess woke up and believed the voice as a wangit. Her body which started full of ulcers and published was not pleasantly improved and she was beautiful again.
Princes kandita did not return to the palace,she chose to settle in the village on the beach. Many princes came to propose to her, but putri kandita was not interasted and gave them conditions were too heavy, other accepted but failed to oppose the magic power of princess kandita. Eventually they became the true guardians of princess kandita wherever she went. Putri kandita became Nyi Roro Kidul, queen of the south coast
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